Renowned events MC, radio, and TV personality Evelyn Mic, real name Evelyn Masika, has been relieved of her duties at Kansanga-based Galaxy FM, just over a year after joining the station and immediately replaced.
Evelyn Mic had been co-hosting the Evening Rush show alongside DJ Nimrod and Little Joe, showcasing her hosting skills and charisma. However, recent decisions by the station's shareholders resulted in her dismissal.
Sovaria Hughes Steps In
Evelyn Mic’s position at Galaxy FM has already been filled by Sovaria Hughes, a talented presenter, model, and video vixen. Sovaria is well-known for her appearances in hit music videos such as Fik Fameica’s Kanzunzu and Ykee Benda’s Nkufeeling.
Sovaria has officially commenced her duties at the station, bringing her unique flair and energy to the airwaves.
Reasons for Termination
The reasons behind Evelyn Mic’s exit remain unclear, as neither she nor Galaxy FM has issued a statement on the matter. However, fans of the dynamic presenter can rest assured that her role as a TV host at Spark TV remains unaffected.
Evelyn Mic has been a household name in Uganda’s entertainment industry, and while her departure from Galaxy FM marks the end of one chapter, her career in TV and events hosting continues to thrive.
Stay tuned for updates as more details about Evelyn’s exit.