Kireka-Kyaliwajjala Haunted Roadside Truck to be Towed Away This Saturday

Posted on June 21, 2024
By Sean Musa Carter
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Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) has announced plans to tow away the notorious low-bed truck that has sparked both intrigue and superstition in the Kyaliwajjala suburb for the past five years. This white Mercedes-Benz truck, with red and blue stripes has been the subject of numerous tales of black magic, causing quite a stir among locals.

The truck, abandoned along the Kireka-Namugongo Road, has earned a reputation for allegedly causing illness and misfortune to anyone who attempted to tamper with it. 

These stories, though lacking concrete evidence, have fueled the mystery surrounding the vehicle, with many attributing its ownership to the late Templar Bisase, who tragically died in a cruise boat accident in 2018. Bisase's cousin, Brian Isubikalu, has often dismissed these tales, affirming that the truck indeed belongs to their family.

However, UNRA spokesperson Allan Ssempebwa has revealed to Nile Post that a practical solution has been devised to finally remove the truck. The operation, set to take place on Saturday, will involve a coordinated effort by mechanics, police, and local leaders. 

"We have identified a mechanical solution, and it will be implemented tomorrow morning to relocate the truck," Ssempebwa confirmed.

The truck’s actual owner, Robert Tumusiime, a former marketing manager of Tata Uganda, disclosed last year that he intended to get the truck back on the road. Tumusiime, whose business dealings under Rosget Agencies and Logistics faced setbacks, left the hauler parked near Shell Kyaliwajjala after a failed vehicle delivery contract with the government.

Technical challenges have contributed to the hauler’s prolonged stay. The truck's air brake system, which locks the wheels when the engine is off, posed a significant obstacle. 

Starting the engine to release the brakes is essential, as Rajab Muhammed, a Kampala-based mechanic, explained. This technical detail seems to have left even the police at a standstill on more than one occasion.
