Tough Times, MC Kats caught feasting on Kikomando and porridge in ghetto slums

Posted on September 16, 2019
By Sean Musa Carter
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Celebrity Gossip

Ever since singer Fille Mutoni dumped TV presenter and events host MC Kats, things have never been any easy for him with the recent incident being of him caught down in the ghettos.


With him always bragging about his 15years working experience as an MC, Kats also always reminds his haters of how he will never go broke again but now these photos of him circulating allover social media have showcased a different side of the story.

These series of photos making rounds on social media show the celebrated NBS TV presenter stopping people from taking photos of him as he enjoyed a cup of porridge and Kikomando in a makeshift stall in the ghettos. Easily recognized by his trademark partially tinted hair.

However, this has raised speculations of whether the renown MC has finally swallowed humble pie and settled for the easy life or he is just broke and with no wife at home to make a good meal for him.
