Edward Ssebuufu, famously known as Eddie Mutwe, the trusted bodyguard and right-...
Edward Rogers Sebuufu is celebrating his birthday today and former presidential ...
Kyagulanyi Robert Sentamu, the opposition National Unity Platform, NUP Party Pri...
Edward Rogers Sebuufu, the head of former presidential candidate Kyagulanyi Robe...
Stand up comedian Patrick Idringi popularly known as Salvado has faced the wrath...
Opposition National Unity Platform, NUP Party Principal, Hon. Robert Kyagulanyi ...
Court martial once again sent back two key members of the National Unity Platfor...
People Power, NUP activists and Bobi Wine’s right hand men Nubian Li and E...
49 National Unity Platform (NUP) supporters including Nubian Li, Eddie Mutwe, pr...
The Head of Presidential candidate Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu's security Edw...