Marvel Kay

Marvel Kay


Marvel Kay Biography

Kimuli Marvin professionally known by his Stage name “Marvel Kay” is a Ugandan male dancehall artist
born on 04 th April, 2000 in Wakiso District.
Marvel started pursuing his music career in 2019 with his debut song titled “Panthkatun” and he
followed it with other two singles “Woman & Togenda.”
Marvel is a son to Namukasa Ruth being the third born in four children living at Migadde Makindye
He went for his primary studies at “ST.Andrew Primary School” but he later joined “Building Tomorrow
Primary School” where he sat for his Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE).
“I know am quite very well talented and in this industry am to bring something unique that will make
you want to dance everytime, the sound of my music when you get to hear it you will get to know there
is something sweet and unique in it just chill and wait then get to listen to the music am to bring for
you” said Marvel in an interview.