Amazing Facts About the Miracle Performing Nakayima Tree in Mubende District (VIDEO)

Posted on June 26, 2020
By Sean Musa Carter
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Have you ever head about the Amazing Tree of Nakayima in Mubende District that gives out Wealth, Children, Fame to Musicians and has made thousands of people Billionaires? Our team of experts has visited the tree and found out some shocking facts.

"Omuti Gwa Nakayima" is one of strongest and oldest trees in existence today. This tree that is claimed to have been planted by Nakayima, a wife to Ndahura (a local ruler of the Bachwezi) dates over four hundred years ago.

It is from this tree that residents seek local herbs and blessings besides thanking the gods or communicating their problems to them.

The Nakayima tree is located on Mubende hill, an area that was governed by one of the ancient Chwezi rulers, Ndahura. Ndahura is claimed to have settled around this area for so many years before handing over the ownership to one of his sons identified as Wamala.

Nakayima tree is so far the most famous attraction on Mubende Hill up to now and is claimed to hold the spirit of Ndahura (the god of small pox), reason why it has stayed existent for all the years. The tree got it’s name after a series of traditional practices like witchcraft besides naming it after the person who planted it, Nakayima (Ndahura’s wife).

It’s claimed Nakayima wasn’t only a keeper of the tree, but was also a medium through which the spirit of Ndahura would communicate to the community. She was always possessed by the spirit of Ndahura and get small pox for a good number of days until the Ndahura’s spirit leaves her body.

Nakayima is also claimed to have had mystic powers that made her able to restore small pox victims to full health by treating them. She would also treat other diseases that wouldn’t be treated by any other herbalists around the community besides blessing barren women with children.

Watch the Video Interview about Nakayima Tree:
