Pretty Nicole Reportedly Blames Herself, Refuses to Give Up Names of Girls who Beat Her for Chewing Their Man

Posted on January 10, 2023
By Sean Musa Carter
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A girl identified as Pretty Nicole was nabbed red-handed as she had stormed the house of one of her friend’s boyfriend to spend a the weekend only to bump into the so-called friend with her gang who brutally beat her up and undressed her on live camera.

According to reports as seen in the viral video clip, a group of three girls embarked on questioning Nicole why she had made the decision to take over her friend’s boyfriend.

All this excalated so quickly and before she could avail answers to the queries, abuses, slaps, and canes had already started warming her whole body and showered what is believed to be urine.

Watch the viral video below:

She was slapped, hair yanked and undressed before being poured onto with dirty laundry water.

Pretty suffered an embarrassment after fellow girls caned and poured dirty water on her for allegedly stealing a boyfriend belonging to one girls in the video.

Nicole was trapped inside the house, caned, taken outside on the velander, thumped before pouring dirty on her.

Watch the continuation below:

Now after reportedly being taken to Kawempe police station, Nicole has reportedly refused to give up the names of these girls seen beating her, accepting that she was the one in the wrong and deserved everything they did to her.

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