Nile Breweries Ltd. Offers Free Delivery For Online 'Beer Now' Orders, Drink From Home

Posted on June 30, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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As Ugandans are still adjusting back to the setting of staying home and fighting the pandemic, Nile Breweries Limited has introduced 'Beer Now' services where customers will receive their favorite beer at home and get free delivery in less than 60Minutes for those that buy a crate or more.

Beer Now is not really a brand new service as it was first launched during the first lockdown Uganda had in 2020 as NBL customers would log into the Beer Now Website, placed their orders and have their favourite brands dropped to their doorstep.

However,  with the easing up of the lockdown and customers able to access their nearby buying points, the platform significance reduced but now that we are back in lockdown the site is back to serving its customers.

With Uganda going through the latest 42-day lockdown, this has resurrected the platform's relevance now, more than ever as NBL aims at keeping Ugandans safe.

How to Use Beer Now Platform:

Inorder for one to get their favorite brand delivered by their door step, they have to visit the Beer Now website, confirm their age and browse through to select their orders.

The new promotion comes with free transport for those that buy a full crate or more as their orders will be delivered in less than 60 Minutes.

Secondary, the minimum order one can place are 10 bottles and for such orders that are less than a crate, the customer has to pay between 3,000 to 5,000 transport depending on their location.
