King Oyo of Tooro Kingdom Named as the Patron of the Ikon Initiative by Reach A Hand Uganda

Posted on March 27, 2021
By Sean Musa Carter
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Reach A Hand Uganda has named His Majesty Dr. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV as the patron of iKon initiative that was launched at
Kingdom Kampala. His Majesty Dr. Oyo is the reigning Omukama of Tooro kingdom in Uganda and the 12th King of Tooro kingdom.

He is the world’s youngest monarch who ascended to the throne at the age of 3 in 1995 and initially ruled with the help of regents and advisors until when he turned 18 and became the sole decision-maker.

The iKon Initiative is a prestigious program by Reach A Hand Uganda that will recognize and award transformational thought leaders and implementers in various fields of social development in Africa.

The initiative will be an annual undertaking, includes a series of activities ranging from idea and concept generation incubators, mentorship via master classes, summits, and courses that will culminate in the awarding of well-deserving ventures masterfully executed.

“It's been a long time coming, but because of what we have been doing over the years, tangible results are our portion now. Africa is changing and as young people, we are the fuel that powers this continent. We need to diligently seize all available opportunities and build the world we
- His Majesty Dr. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV.

“We are thrilled to have His Majesty Dr. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV as a patron for the iKon Initiative we are launching today. We have worked with the Kingdom of Tooro over the past few years and we have been able to achieve more when it comes to supporting young people. The King is very passionate about advancing young people and we are grateful for his constant support.” - Humphrey Nabimanya - Founder and CEO Reach A Hand Uganda.

The ikon awards aim at recognizing and awarding outstanding youth efforts in society and different categories of social development, nurture a spirit of enterprise and leadership among the youth and consequently encourage innovation, job creation, and high-value business, create a critical mass of motivation, inspiration, and aspiration, support, encourage and recognize young people especially by our local supporters, and to create a wider platform to advocate for issues affecting youth, influence policy action and create a networking opportunity for the nominees and partners.

Reach A hand has partnered with Talent Africa, Incredible Media, Segal Family Foundation, NBS TV, Victoria University, Avance Media Africa, Outbox, MoTIV, Johnnie Walker to ensure that the objectives of the awards are achieved.
