"They gave me poison in Prison"- Proof that Pastor Yiga knew about his death

Posted on October 29, 2020
By Sean Musa Carter
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Celebrity Gossip

Through his last years one Earth, Pastor Yiga Augustine was always in and out of prison and in one of his videos he claimed that he was poisoned in Prison, one of the things that led to his death.

Appearing in an old video clip that has resurfaced on internet showing him speaking about his detoriating health, Yiga claimed that he wasn't feeling so well and it was after his arrest.

Ekomera telyampisa bulunji, kitegeeza oba mubyenalya…endya yange eyinza okuba yeyandetela obuzibu. Teyali nungi…..” – He confessed while appearing on ABS TV.

The late Yiga attributed his weakness to the bad food which was given to him while in prison.

Watch the Video Below:
