City socialite Kez Shilloh turns heads after showering Madrat and Chiko with “mazike”

Posted on September 08, 2019
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City socialite and business woman, the “Kez Shilloh Foundation” CEO, Kezimbira Shillo aka Kez Shillo splashed off money during last Friday’s Nseko Buseko concert where she left masses agape.

During the third edition of Nseko Buseko comedy show, Shillah splashed cash to the duo, Madrat and Chiko and declared her love for their jokes.

Shillo then reached to her handbag and pulled out a bundle of 20,000ugx notes and made it rain on the duo. An estimated 4,000,000ugx is said to have kissed the floor.Entrepreneur. Fashionable.

Kez Shillo is a city entrepreneur, accountant and Founder of Shillo Foundation.
